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The answer should be :

Group 0 Group 1
Age symptoms (+/-s.d.) 22.9 (+/- 6.1) 24.0 (+/-7.2)
Age (+/-s.d) 44.6 (+/-10.5) 42.4 (+/-10.2)
Disease duration (+/-s.d.) 21.8 (+/-11.5) 18.3 (+/-10.6)
Baseline wellbeing (+/-s.d) 29.0 (+/-20.2) 30.4 (+/-18.6)
End wellbeing (+/-s.d) 46.1 (+/-20.2) 19.8 (+/-10.0)

To work out the number of men, put in excel under the gender column:



This gives us the result of 12 for group 0 and 9 for group 1.

We have 12 men out of 17 people (71% male) in group 0 [control group]

We have 9 men out of 13 people (69% male) in group 1. [intervention group]

So there are slightly more men in the control group compared to the intervention group.